Skip to main content Extreme Precipitation in New York and New England

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Researchers can use this resource to assess extreme rainfall return frequency for New York and New England, using an alternate methodology to that used in NOAA Atlas 14.


This website includes estimates of extreme rainfall for various durations (from 5 minutes to 10 days) and recurrence intervals (1 year to 500 years) for New York and New England. These data are interpolated to a 30-second grid. Confidence intervals for these values are also included, as are the partial duration rainfall series used in their computation. Regional extreme rainfall maps and graphic products are also available.

Precipitation distribution curves can be generated for each grid, either directly or from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Win TR-20 software, eliminating the need to use a static Type II or Type III curve. The data and analysis were developed prior to the more recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14 for New York and New England.

The design of the site and its products have been reviewed by stakeholders with the NRCS, various state agencies, and private engineering consulting firms.

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