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Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA)

This site can help Pacific Island residents better understand how climate variability and change impact the their region and its communities. Content includes collections of publications, multimedia, maps, and case studies.


Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA) is a collaborative effort to assess climate change indicators, impacts, and adaptive capacity of the Hawaiian archipelago and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI). PIRCA engages federal, state, and local government agencies, non-government organizations, academia, businesses, and community groups to inform and prioritize their activities in the face of a changing climate.

More than 100 scientific experts and practitioners contributed to the 2012 PIRCA report, an integrated regional assessment that serves as a contribution to the Third National Climate Assessment. The 2012 PIRCA report examines climate change impacts in Hawai‘i and the USAPI and also assesses the adaptive capacity of Pacific Island communities. 

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