Emergency managers, public officials, and individuals in some U.S. cities can get map-based forecasts showing locations at risk of inundation for National Weather Service flood forecasts.
These online interactive maps help emergency managers and decision makers visualize where inundation will affect their communities. When flood forecasts are released by the National Weather Service, officials have the option to refer to these maps and scroll through the different river flood stages to see how inundation could impact local roads, building infrastructure, and resources. Users are then able to make better informed decisions on bridge and road closures, as well as evacuations.
The Flood Inundation Maps show the extent of flooding expected spatially over a given area. This will indicate when roadways, streets, buildings, airports, etc., are likely to be impacted by floodwaters. The target audience is the state and local agencies that must make emergency operational decisions during flooding events. However, since the graphics are easy to view, anyone with an interest during these events can make use of the maps, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state and local emergency managers, the media, and the general public.