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Ports Resilience Index

Screen capture from the cover of the index

Port management organizations can use this self-assessment to determine if they are prepared to maintain operations during and after disasters.


This self-assessment tool in downloadable PDF format was developed for port and marine industry leaders. It serves as a simple and inexpensive method of assessing if ports and the regional marine transportation sector are prepared to maintain operations during and after disasters.

Being able to withstand and adapt to change has become a focal point for business sectors and industries; resilient industries recognize the vital role that planning, preparation, and collaboration play in developing and executing an ability to respond to challenges, adapt to changes, and thrive. The tool's development team stresses that port resilience planning should be completed in collaboration with a group of internal and external port stakeholders. Completing the index will assist ports in developing actions for long-term resilience.

The tool's intended target audience begins with the port authority or port management organization. Coastal seaports and inland river ports will benefit from the tool by identifying strengths and weaknesses in their management and operations. These indicators can provide an important baseline by which to measure progress toward resilience goals. In addition, the index assists in assessing the overall resilience of the ports industry. The process of completing the PRI will help identify the action items the industry should work towards to address system vulnerabilities and maintain long-term viability.

Developed with broad participation from industry leaders, the tool's development team prepared a checklist of possible indicators of resilience for ports using the American Association of Port Authorities' 2006 Emergency Best Practices Manual as a starting point. Other resources included the NOAA Port Resilience Planning Tool and academic sources.

Difficulty Scale
Steps to Resilience