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Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS) | An IOOS Data Portal

Screen capture from NERACOOS

The mission of NERACOOS is to produce, integrate, and communicate high quality information that helps ensure safety, economic and environmental resilience, and sustainable use of the coastal ocean.


The Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS) brings weather and ocean data for fisheries, commercial ships, and emergency weather services together for public safety. The organization works to improve the monitoring of water quality, algal blooms, flooding and erosion. Users can search through a variety of data services and products, including buoy observations, historical data, weather forecasts and satellite information.

The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) is a national-regional partnership working to provide new tools and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. Integrated ocean information is available in near real time, as well as retrospectively. Easier and better access to this information is improving our ability to understand and predict coastal events - such as storms, wave heights, and sea level change. Such knowledge is needed for everything from retail to development planning.

This site is one of eleven regional associations (RAs), which guide development of and stakeholder input to regional observing activities. The RAs serve the nation's coastal communities, including the Great Lakes, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands and territories. All RAs offer data collected in their region through their website data portals. Datasets offered at each portal reflect the regional associations' specific strengths and local partnerships.

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