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Puerto Rico Coastal Vulnerability Viewer

Screen capture of the tool, a GIS viewer of different assets that may be at risk from climate change

View coastal resources and infrastructure that may be at risk due to climate change and sea level rise in the islands of Puerto Rico.


This online vulnerability viewer was developed for the Puerto Rico Climate Change Council and is intended to provide a preliminary assessment of coastal resources and infrastructure at risk due to climate change and sea level rise in the islands of Puerto Rico.

Datasets available in the viewer include:

  • Coastal Features Inventory: Wetlands, cliffs, sand dunes, tombolos, and eoleanite shores (PR Coastal Zone Program, 2013; in revision)
  • Storm Surge Scenarios: ADCIRC, SWAN flood by storm surge (still water) models for the current sea level (PR Coastal Zone Program, CariCOOS-UPR Mayagüez; 2014)
  • Sea Level Rise: 0.5 and 1.0 meter sea level rise projections (NOAA Office for Coastal Management; 2015)
  • Coastal Zone Land Boundary (DRNA, 2010)
  • Natural Protected Areas (DRNA, 2014)
  • 2010 Orthophotos
  • FEMA Flood Maps and infrastructure data (provided by
Difficulty Scale