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Managing Drought Risk on the Ranch

Screen capture of the tool website

This planning guide for Great Plains ranchers provides information on how to manage drought.


This website offers a downloadable 39-page guide in PDF format, with step-by-step instructions and worksheets for managing drought on the ranch.

It also provides:

  • Resources and information by state, quick links to tools and current conditions, and other resources to help better prepare for and respond to drought,
  • In-depth information on climate and historical drought occurrence; the effects drought has on livestock, grasses, and grazing management; geographic variability in precipitation and forage growth; and drought-related financial considerations,
  • Techniques for gathering baseline and ongoing information that will help the drought planning process,
  • Long- and short-term management strategies that can be implemented before, during, and after drought to make ranch operations more resilient and prepared for drought conditions, and
  • How appropriate strategies can be identified and included in a drought plan.
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