Access more than 20 national geospatial map layers, databases, and ecological models related to fire for the United States and some island territories. An array of video tutorials can help new users accomplish common tasks.
The Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Project—LANDFIRE—is an innovative wildland fire, ecosystem, and fuel assessment-mapping project designed to generate comprehensive, landscape-scale maps of vegetation, fire, and fuel characteristics for the United States and some island areas using a consistent process. Users can view and/or download products which are updated every two years to reflect how the landscape changes over time. These data provide information for strategic planning for regional- and national-scale planning for wildfire and for natural resource management activities.
- The LANDFIRE Data Distribution site is a dynamic online map interface that can be used to view USGS datasets
- The LANDFIRE Data Access Tool (LFDAT) is an ArcGIS toolbar developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station and distributed by the Wildland Fire Management RD&A Fuels and Fire Ecology Program. The tool allows users to interact with the LANDFIRE Data Distribution Site and download LANDFIRE data directly from ArcMap.