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Heat Safety Tool

The OSHA Heat Illness webpage displayed on an iPhone

Outdoor workers and their managers can access vital heat-safety information whenever and wherever they need it—right on their mobile phones.

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Extreme summer heat is increasing in the United States, and heat waves are projected to increase in frequency, intensity, and duration. Outdoor workers are particularly vulnerable to such heat, and this mobile app from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) allows workers and supervisors to calculate the heat index for their worksite. The app also displays a risk level associated with the temperature. Users can receive reminders about protective measures to protect them from heat-related illness in their current climate conditions—reminders include drinking enough fluids, scheduling rest breaks, and planning for and knowing what to do in an emergency.

The OSHA Heat Tool is available in English and Spanish for Android and iPhone devices. To access the Spanish version on the iPhone, set the phone language setting to Spanish before downloading the app.

For more information about safety while working in the heat, see OSHA's heat illness webpage (link in the box at right), including new online guidance about using the heat index to protect workers.

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