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NOAA Tides & Currents

Screen capture from NOAA Tides & Currents website

Individuals and businesses in coastal communities can find current and historical data, analyses, and publications on tides, currents, water levels, and other relevant topics to help them assess their local risks.


The Tides & Currents website is an authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely water-level and ocean-current measurements that support safe and efficient maritime commerce, sound coastal management, and recreation. Information on the site comes from NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) and its predecessors—agencies that have gathered oceanographic data along the nation's coasts for over 200 years.

This online portal provides a wide variety of data and tools that communities can use to assess coastal risks associated with projected climate change and variability, including:

  • Tide and water level information, including water levels, tide predictions, sea level trends, extreme water levels, and inundation analysis
  • Harmful algal bloom (HAB) forecasts
  • Current station data and tables, and historical data, for currents
  • Port information for 25 different ports across the country
  • Meteorological observations
  • Water temperature and conductivity data
  • Astronomical data 

Tides & Currents also features a library of CO-OPS publications, including educational and outreach publications, economic valuations and assessments, and technical reports, and educational materials for teachers and students.

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