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A Guide to Assessing Green Infrastructure Costs and Benefits for Flood Reduction

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
A man in a red shirt overlooks a stream of water flowing beside the pedestrian bridge where he is standing on a bright sunny day.
Module Description
To plan successfully, communities need to understand the options for addressing flood-related issues and their associated costs. This guide lays out a six-step watershed-based approach for documenting the costs of flooding, projecting increased flooding and associated costs under future land use and climate conditions, and calculating the long-term benefits and costs of a green infrastructure approach. The guide draws from four case studies (Duluth, Minnesota; Toledo, Ohio; Green Bay, Wisconsin; and He‘eia, Hawaii) to provide key considerations, recommended expertise, practical implementation tips, and lessons learned.
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Understanding Drought

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Splash screen for module
Module Description
Learn the importance of understanding drought, its impacts, and methods to monitor it. The module also covers types of drought, drought indicators, drought resources, and analysis tools.

This narrated module is appropriate for anyone wanting to learn the basics of drought. It is also part of Instructional Component 2.3: Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability in the NWS's PCU 2: Understand Climate Variability and Change and Apply to Local Services.
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Introduction to Lidar

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Module Description
This course, designed for those curious about what lidar is and why it is useful for management decisions, provides quick and flexible access to several topics needed to understand the lidar landscape. The course features engaging video and audio, optional knowledge checks, a final quiz with certificate, and assistive services for those with disabilities.

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Working with Lidar - Module 1 - Define and Decide

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Screenshot from site
Module Description
This suite of modules helps you complete the first four steps in the process of working with lidar data. Whether deciding if lidar is the right technology, locating and assessing data, or contracting these services, these modules offer grab-n-go quick references, progressively detailed information, examples, expert tips, and tutorials.

Module 1: Define and Decide – Use a checklist to define the issue and a decision tree to decide if lidar is right for your project
Modules 2, 3, and 4 are planned for release from Summer, 2021 through Winter, 2022.
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Using NASA Products for a More Climate Resilient Energy Sector, Part 2

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Module Description
This session presents various real-world, illustrative examples of the ways in which NASA Earth Observations (EOs )may be combined with other datasets to better understand the impact of extreme events, such as wildfires and hurricanes, on energy infrastructure. Additional examples focused on the application of NASA EOs for monitoring renewable resources for energy management will also be presented.
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Ocean at the Door Map

The Ocean at the Door map shows the vulnerability of old and new housing stock to rising seas plus chronic floods, helping homeowners, planners, renters, and real-estate investors understand the consequences of the changing climate for coastal property. Potential flood exposure maps are generated by comparing land elevation to the height of a typical once-a-year flood, plus local sea level rise projections over time.

NASA Earth Observations for Electric Utility Applications StoryMap

To make NASA Earth observation (EO) data more accessible for electric utilities and other energy management sector end users, this StoryMap outlines data sources for key variables, parameters, and environmental issues, with a focus on easy to use and access datasets, products, and visualization tools relevant for electric utility applications. People who work with electric utilities can use it to find information related to energy management, renewable energy, and climate resilience.

Texas Temperature Trends Dashboard

This dashboard presents trends in extreme heat, extreme cold, warm nights, heating and cooling degree days, seasonal average temperatures, seasonal extreme temperatures, and yearly average temperatures from 1970-2019 for 75 stations in Texas. The graphs show both individual data points for each year and overall trend lines and can be downloaded as images. The dashboard also includes a link to a fact sheet discussing the temperature indicators shown in the tool and their importance.

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