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Facilitation Basics for Coastal Managers

Submitted by nina.hall on
Graphic from the course manual
Module Description
This course provides tools to design and implement productive meetings. Participants will learn basic facilitation skills and techniques for dealing with disruptive behaviors. Class time is provided to practice using tools and skills to plan and facilitate meetings that accomplish objectives while minimizing conflict. Participants at every level are welcome, since the new skills will be useful even when attending, but not running, a meeting. You will learn how to facilitate meetings effectively, use appropriate process tools and techniques to reach the meeting objectives, and identify disruptive behaviors in group processes and practice strategies to deal with them.
Type of Training
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Module Time

Urban Adaptation Assessment (UAA)

The Urban Adaptation Assessment (UAA) is an interactive database funded by the Kresge Foundation and led by the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN). The database provides a rich dataset within a visual platform to give leaders the data they need to make decisions on how best to adapt and prepare.

Encompassing data from over 270 U.S. cities whose populations are above 100,000, the UAA gives viewers a way to explore connections among vulnerabilities, climate disasters, adaptive capacities, and how these are distributed within a city.

Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Network

The Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Network, co-coordinated by NatureServe and OCTO (Open Communications for the Ocean), is a source of information and training for planning and management tools for coastal-marine ecosystem-based management, marine protected area and marine spatial planning, and integrated land-sea planning. Its mission is to promote healthy ecosystems and communities by increasing the knowledge and capacity of coastal-marine practitioners to apply tools that help incorporate ecosystem-based thinking into management decisions.

Local Sea Level Rise Two-Pager Template

This suite of files provides an easy way to generate a two-page print document to help communicate local sea level rise scenarios and the related days of future high-tide or nuisance flooding. The templates draw data from NOAA Technical Report 083 Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States and NOAA Technical Report 086 Patterns and Projections of High Tide Flooding Along the U.S.

Seven Best Practices for Risk Communication

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Promo image for the Seven Best Practices training module
Module Description
Whether beginning a new effort or trying to keep people motivated to better prepare for future hazards, applying risk communication principles will lead to more effective results. This self-guided module introduces seven best practices, numerous techniques, and examples to help you improve your communication efforts. Knowledge checks and a final quiz are included to help you retain what you learn. One hour of certification maintenance credits for this course has been approved by the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Type of Training
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Module Time

Simple Planning Tool for Oklahoma Climate Hazards

This tool is a compilation of relatively easy-to-use online interactive tools, maps, and graphs to assist planners and emergency managers in the state of Oklahoma who are assessing their long-term climate risks, both historically and in the future. It is primarily designed for decision makers who serve small- to medium-sized communities, but may also be of interest to those who serve larger areas. This tool was developed with input from local and state emergency managers and planners.

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