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Peril of Flood | Florida's Coastal Resiliency Portal

Florida has approximately 1,350 miles of ocean coastline and 33 of its counties are located along the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. These counties represent 9 of the 10 Regional Planning Councils in the state of Florida.

The Peril of Flood Portal is continually-updated by staff members of Florida's Regional Planning Councils.  The website features a compilation of projects, resources, and important data relating to coastal resiliency in the state of Florida.


Coastal Community Resilience Planning Guide — Louisiana

This guide helps coastal communities envision what a changing climate means for the community and to lay the foundation for developing strategies to address emerging challenges. 

The guide uses free online tools and data sets to step users through a risk and vulnerability assessment for their coastal community. It is intended to be used by local officials and government staff, community groups, or other stakeholders, and is flexible enough to facilitate conversations around a broad spectrum of resilience-related issues.

USGS Flood Event Viewer

The USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) is the public data discovery component of the Short-Term Network (STN) database. The tool gives users a map interface from which they can examine data collected during flood events such as hurricane landfalls and Nor'easters. Users can also view real-time data from a range of STN monitoring stations.

Adapt Alaska


Adapt Alaska provides newcomers to climate adaptation in Alaska a wealth of resources for initiating the process. Climate change impacts threaten both coastal and inland communities across the state. Animal and human populations are under threat fromexposed to flooding, changing shorelines, acidification of ocean waters, melting ice, and more. Adapt Alaska was created to inform decision-makers of all the resources available to them to help combat these problems.

The site features 3 main sections:

Explore changes

Climate Adaptation Toolkit for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas

The Climate Adaptation Toolkit for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas was created to make climate adaptation planning a simple, direct, and feasible process for Marine Protected Area managers. To help get users to the right tool within the toolkit, the top page features a convenient series of  "If you need [this], go [here]" statements.

The toolkit contains:

Oregon Coastal Atlas

This multi-group project is a useful resource for the management constituency of the Oregon Coastal Zone, providing background information for different coastal systems, access to interactive mapping, online geospatial analysis tools, and direct download of various planning and natural resource datasets.

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