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PREP-RI | Providing Resilience Education for Planning in Rhode Island

Submitted by nina.hall on
Screen capture from the PREP-RI website
Module Description
This online module series aims to increase the capacity of municipal decision makers to make effective choices supporting resilience to the impacts from climate change. Considering current and future impacts helps shape decisions that enhance the health, safety, and welfare of Rhode Island’s communities. The brief modules provide an understanding of the implications of a changing climate in Rhode Island. Each module consists of a voice-over PowerPoint, speaker notes, and a resources document. Relevant examples and lessons learned from Rhode Island communities are included, as well as ways to use various resources and tools in decision making. PREP-RI builds upon existing state efforts and is the product of collaboration among experts from a variety of fields. While this series is primarily geared toward coastal municipalities, much of the information will be helpful for inland communities as well as other public- and private-sector stakeholders throughout the state.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale