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Hawai'i and Pacific Islands

MIKE—21 Spectral Waves

Coastal and offshore resilience projects require integration of wave action into the process. MIKE—21 Spectral Waves tool can be used to:

  • Calculate wind-waves in all seas, easily and accurately
  • Efficiently transform offshore wave fields to coastal areas
  • Create reliable and fit-for-purpose wave data
  • Seamlessly integrate MIKE 21 SW with other MIKE models
  • Perform quality work at rapid pace

Access to this software is by subscription for single users, small businesses, large corporations, or universities.

Coastal Training Programs—National Estuarine Research Reserves

Submitted by luann.dahlman on
Map of U.S. states with green markers along coasts
Module Description
The National Estuarine Research Reserves, a network of 29 coastal sites along U.S. Coasts and the Great Lakes, host a range of education, outreach, and training opportunities through their Coastal Training Programs. The overarching goal of these programs is to provide current science and skill-building opportunities for decision-makers in coastal communities. The Coastal Training Programs increase audience understanding of the environmental, social, economic, and policy consequences of human activities, and facilitates coordination among stakeholders to support evidence-based policies and actions.

Each Reserve’s program is different, and many sites host trainings related to resilience and climate change. Some sites have the flexibility to meet the needs of specific decision makers at specific times by organizing or developing custom trainings for local or regional decision makers. Reserves also frequently host the NOAA Digital Coast trainings.

To access training opportunities, select a reserve from the national map, View the Reserve page, and then go to the Reserve Website (under Important Links). Check the Reserve Website for Training, Education, and Outreach opportunities.
Difficulty Scale

Coastal Restoration Toolkit

For decision makers or resource managers in coastal communities seeking an actionable climate adaptation plan, the coastal restoration toolkit provides information on five main areas of concern: flooding, coastal erosion, water quality, invasive species, and wildlife habitat restoration. Each issue's distinct module provides a series of steps users can follow in order to construct their own adaptation plans. 

Climate Adaptation Toolkit for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas

The Climate Adaptation Toolkit for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas was created to make climate adaptation planning a simple, direct, and feasible process for Marine Protected Area managers. To help get users to the right tool within the toolkit, the top page features a convenient series of  "If you need [this], go [here]" statements.

The toolkit contains:

Adapting Stormwater Management for Coastal Floods

Coastal communities can use this website to determine how the current and future flooding can affect their stormwater systems. The site walks users through a process of entering information and selecting various inputs to generate a local report. The report can be used to educate community stakeholders on implications of coastal flooding, communicate the potential impacts of current and future flooding, and inform municipal planning efforts. The report can also be used to brainstorm possible solutions and make the case for funding them.

POWER Project Services Platform

NASA's Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) project was initiated to distribute NASA satellite-based and research data parameters customized for usage by the renewable energy and agricultural communities. The POWER Project Services Platform features numerous methods to obtain data products including a "Data Access Viewer", Web image services, and a direct access through URL commands.  The web-based application currently supports Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsers.

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