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Check Applied Forecasts

Daily Erosion Project

Soil erosion is the movement of soil particles down and from sloping land, reducing soil productivity and degrading water quality. Soil erosion thins and can completely remove topsoil, the soil layer richest in organic matter and plant nutrient concentration. These lost nutrients must be replaced for crop production purposes, adding extra cost in addition to lost crop yield potential.

Coastal Inundation Dashboard

This tool brings together real-time water levels, 48-hour forecasts of water levels, and historic flooding information into one online tool to help decision makers and coastal residents understand both short-term risks—such as an approaching hurricane or nor’easter—as well as longer-term risks, such as high-tide flooding and sea level rise. Boaters and fishermen can use the tool to get information on their latest local tides.  

National Snow Analyses

The National Weather Service's National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center produces maps and offers data for snow water equivalent, snow Depth, average snowpack temperatures, snow water equivalent change, snow/non-snow precipitation, snow melt, sublimation, and snow reports. Additionally, station reports and interpolated snowfall products are available.

Pacific Island Sea Level Forecasts

This site provides outlooks for sea levels over the next six months as well as analysis of sea levels over the past six months. The tool shows a discussion of current conditions, and lets users click tide gauge locations around the Pacific to view forecasts, tide charts, and potential impacts. 

Users can subscribe to receive email updates from this tool. To subscribe, send an email to:

Cattle Heat Stress Forecast Maps

Seven-day forecasts of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and cloud cover from the National Weather Service serve as inputs for Cattle Heat Stress Forecast Maps. The prediction of animal stress is based on an equation that combines weather forecast data to estimate cattle heat stress response, and produces a map showing stress categories by color. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers daily maps for the current day and forecasted out six additional days, and provides maps for six regions of the contiguous United States.

Alaska Community Inundation Maps

When an extreme storm is forecast for coastal Alaska, local community leaders and emergency managers want answers to questions such as:  "How high will floodwaters reach?" "From what direction(s) will flooding be most severe?" "Where are impacts most likely to occur?" "Which critical infrastructure is potentially at risk?" "How will this event differ from past storms at a local level?" These maps give community leaders and emergency managers a common and clear reference to communicate with one another and with the National Weather Service.

Water Resources Dashboard

From this single site, water resource professionals can access a range of maps and data that help them make decisions about water resources and planning. The dashboard offers tools in four categories:

  • Forecasts and Outlooks
  • Current Observations
  • Historical Observations
  • Potentially Useful Map Layers

A 30-minute recorded webinar is available for many of the tools: each session features a scientist who discusses the product and a practitioner who describes how they use the information.

SLOSH Display Program (SDP)

SLOSH—which stands for Sea Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricanes—is a computerized numerical model developed by the National Weather Service to estimate storm surge heights. This tool displays the results of the SLOSH model to help emergency managers plan for evacuations, view the latest National Hurricane Center real-time runs, and educate decision makers.

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