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Check Applied Forecasts

Pacific Climate Information System - PaCIS Dashboard

This website serves as a digital version of the quarterly publication, Hawaii and U.S. Pacific Islands Region Climate Impacts and Outlook. Brief updates on recent climate impacts to facilities and infrastructure, water resources, agriculture, natural resources, and public health make it easy to find information of interest. The site features a range of graphic products that show outlooks for the next season.  

Hawai'i and U.S. Pacific Islands Region Climate Impacts and Outlook

A range of regional partners collaborate to produce these quarterly reports. Brief updates on recent climate impacts to facilities and infrastructure, water resources, agriculture, natural resources, and public health make it easy to find information of interest. The site features a regional map showing model-based forecasts for below-average, average, or above-average precipitation for the next season. Links to regional collaborators make it easy for users to find expertise for their resilience-building efforts.

Hawai'i Drought Monitor

This site offers current drought status and notices, drought forecasts, and drought planning resources. Additionally, users can find links to data and research related to drought in the Hawaiian Islands.

Drought forecast topics include the El Niño Diagnostic Discussion and Tropical Pacific Islands Rainfall Outlooks. Users can also find the Hawai'i Drought Plan, suggestions for where to seek drought assistance, drought mitigation strategies by county, and links to water conservation plans and the Hawai'i Wildfire Management Organization. 

Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Update

The Pacific ENSO Update is a bulletin of the Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Applications Climate (PEAC) Center, providing information on climate variability related to the ENSO climate cycle for the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI). The newsletter is intended to supply information for the benefit of those involved in such climate-sensitive sectors as civil defense, resource management, and developmental planning in the various jurisdictions of the USAPI. 

Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool

This online tool is designed to inform and inspire local action to protect the Commonwealth of Massachusett’s natural resources in a changing climate. It was developed for local decision makers, conservation practitioners, large landowners, community leaders across the state, and more.

The tool allows a user to access information on climate change impacts and vulnerability of species and habitats. Adaptation strategies and actions, which explain how to respond to climate stressors, are another useful feature.

Coastal Flood Impacts for the City of Boston

This online map application assesses current and future flood hazards for the City of Boston for floods driven by coastal storms. The interactive map displays the extent of the current 10-year, 100-year, and 500-year floods. It uses the "bathtub mapping" assumption to show how water from the harbor would spread horizontally over land, using the requirement that pathways through which the water flows must be connected so that water cannot go through a high berm.

Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard

Water levels of the Great Lakes naturally fluctuate over different time scales in response to weather, climate, and geology. The Dashboard helps users visualize dynamic water levels and seasonal and long-term forecasts. Users can also download monthly Great Lakes water level data and forecasts across a variety of time scales. The dashboard features a sliding time scale that makes it equally easy to view the past year or the past 150 years.

Data available for viewing and download include:

Flood Inundation Mapper

This tool allows users to explore the full set of inundation maps that shows where flooding would occur given a selected stream condition. Users can also access historical flood information and potential loss estimates based on the severity of the flood.

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