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Check Applied Forecasts


Over 2.4 million Medicare beneficiaries rely upon electricity-dependent medical and assistive equipment—such as ventilators and wheel chairs—in our communities. Severe weather and disasters that cause power outages can be life threatening for these individuals.

Data Basin

Data Basin is a science-based mapping and analysis platform that supports learning, research, and sustainable environmental stewardship. The platform is used by interested citizens, students and educators, natural resource practitioners, and scientists from diverse sectors and geographies. 

The core of Data Basin is free and provides open access to thousands of scientifically-grounded, biological, physical, and socioeconomic datasets. This user-friendly platform enables people with varying levels of technical expertise to:

Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index

The Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index (SAWTI) categorizes Santa Ana winds in four zones of Southern California based on anticipated fire potential. The index uses a comprehensive, state-of-the-art predictive model that includes dead fuel moisture, live fuel moisture, and the greenness of annual grasses to create a detailed daily assessment of the fuel conditions across Southern California. This information is coupled with calibrated weather model output, such as wind speed and atmospheric moisture, to generate a six-day forecast of Large Fire Potential.

NOAA Tides & Currents

The Tides & Currents website is an authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely water-level and ocean-current measurements that support safe and efficient maritime commerce, sound coastal management, and recreation. Information on the site comes from NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) and its predecessors—agencies that have gathered oceanographic data along the nation's coasts for over 200 years.

AgroClimate—Tools for Managing Climate Risk in Agriculture

AgroClimate is an innovative web resource for decision support and learning covering the southeastern United States. The website provides interactive tools and climate information to improve crop management decisions and reduce production risks associated with climate variability, climate change, and extreme weather events. Users can monitor variables of interest such as growing degree days, chill hours, freeze risk, disease risks for selected crops, and current and projected drought conditions.

Sea Level Rise Tool for Sandy Recovery—New Jersey and New York

Hurricane Sandy is a vivid reminder that coastal communities are vulnerable to the risk of damage from storms and flooding. Sea level rise increases the frequency and severity of coastal flooding in human and natural systems, even if storm patterns remain the same. FEMA provides information about flood risk based on current conditions. By statutory requirement, FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and other mapping products depict today's flood risk.

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