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Ocean at the Door Map

The Ocean at the Door map shows the vulnerability of old and new housing stock to rising seas plus chronic floods, helping homeowners, planners, renters, and real-estate investors understand the consequences of the changing climate for coastal property. Potential flood exposure maps are generated by comparing land elevation to the height of a typical once-a-year flood, plus local sea level rise projections over time.

Texas Temperature Trends Dashboard

This dashboard presents trends in extreme heat, extreme cold, warm nights, heating and cooling degree days, seasonal average temperatures, seasonal extreme temperatures, and yearly average temperatures from 1970-2019 for 75 stations in Texas. The graphs show both individual data points for each year and overall trend lines and can be downloaded as images. The dashboard also includes a link to a fact sheet discussing the temperature indicators shown in the tool and their importance.

High Plains Regional Climate Center Climate Summaries

Each year, the High Plains Regional Climate Center assembles climate summaries that provide an overview of conditions on monthly, quarterly, and annual time scales.

Each monthly climate summary is released on the 5th business day of the following month, each quarterly climate summary is released on or around the 3rd Thursday of the following quarter, and each annual climate summary is released on the 5th business day of the following year.

Current and archived climate summaries are available on the site.

North Central Climate Collaborative Webinar Series

The North Central Climate Collaborative (NC3) is working to increase the flow and usability of climate information for Extension, farmers, natural resource managers, and communities by hosting bimonthly webinars on climate and water.

These webinars include presentations that, among other topics, summarize drought decision calendars for specialty crops, animal agriculture in a changing climate, weather-ready farms, conservation drainage, and the Missouri River Basin flood outlook.

System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (SAVS)

This tool was developed to quantify the relative impact of expected climate change effects for terrestrial vertebrate species. The SAVS uses 22 criteria related to expected response or vulnerability of species in a questionnaire to provide a framework for assessing vulnerability to climate change. The questionnaire is completed using information gathered from published materials, personal knowledge, or expert consultation. Scores generated can be used to inform management planning.

Community Health and Resource Management (CHARM)

CHARM is a mapping application that gives local officials, stakeholders, and citizens the power to map and analyze growth with real-time feedback. When used with the weTable—a low cost, do-it-yourself, interactive tabletop approach for public engagement (instructions provided on the CHARM website)—it forms a powerful planning tool for engaging the public and gathering their values about the community’s future. The application is supported with a library of mapping data, including data on urbanization, storm surges, conservation, public facilities, and coastal resources.

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