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NASA Earth Observations for Electric Utility Applications StoryMap

To make NASA Earth observation (EO) data more accessible for electric utilities and other energy management sector end users, this StoryMap outlines data sources for key variables, parameters, and environmental issues, with a focus on easy to use and access datasets, products, and visualization tools relevant for electric utility applications. People who work with electric utilities can use it to find information related to energy management, renewable energy, and climate resilience.

Caribbean Marine Maps

To advance ocean conservation and climate adaptation for the 44 million people who call the Caribbean home, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and partners used innovative technologies to develop a set of maps including satellite imagery, airborne imagery, and data from drones and divers.

Floodplain Ecosystem Service Mapper

Healthy floodplains and wetlands provide critical ecosystem services to local and downstream communities by retaining sediments, nutrients, and floodwaters. Land conversion and degradation diminish floodplain functionality and services. By assessing, quantifying, and valuing the ecosystem services provided by floodplains, we can estimate how floodplains influence human well-being. We can also inform decision makers about the tradeoffs associated with development pressures and conservation priorities.

Southeast Conservation Blueprint

The Southeast Conservation Blueprint is the primary product of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS), a regional conservation initiative that spans the Southeastern United States and Caribbean. The Southeast Blueprint is a living, spatial plan that identifies important areas for conservation and restoration.

Coastal Restoration Toolkit

For decision makers or resource managers in coastal communities seeking an actionable climate adaptation plan, the coastal restoration toolkit provides information on five main areas of concern: flooding, coastal erosion, water quality, invasive species, and wildlife habitat restoration. Each issue's distinct module provides a series of steps users can follow in order to construct their own adaptation plans. 

USGS Flood Event Viewer

The USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) is the public data discovery component of the Short-Term Network (STN) database. The tool gives users a map interface from which they can examine data collected during flood events such as hurricane landfalls and Nor'easters. Users can also view real-time data from a range of STN monitoring stations.

NASA Disasters Mapping Portal

The NASA Disasters Mapping Portal promotes the use of Earth observations to improve prediction of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from natural and technological disasters. The Disasters Mapping Portal provides information and maps to support disaster response and recovery and emergency mitigation approaches, such as early warning systems.

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