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Silver Jackets Program

Silver Jackets teams in states across the country bring together multiple state, federal, and sometimes tribal and local agencies to learn from one another and apply their knowledge to reduce the risk of flooding and other natural disasters in the United States and enhance response and recovery efforts when such events do occur. There are a growing number of states applying the Silver Jackets approach—the ultimate goal is a state-led interagency team in every state.

GeoHEALTH Platform

This online app includes information from federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as well as that from non-government organizations, supporting functions such as policy analysis, planning, course-of-action comparison, incident management, and training.

Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool

This online tool is designed to inform and inspire local action to protect the Commonwealth of Massachusett’s natural resources in a changing climate. It was developed for local decision makers, conservation practitioners, large landowners, community leaders across the state, and more.

The tool allows a user to access information on climate change impacts and vulnerability of species and habitats. Adaptation strategies and actions, which explain how to respond to climate stressors, are another useful feature.

Science Application for Risk Reduction

The Science Application for Risk Reduction (SAFRR) Project from the U.S. Geological Survey was created to innovate the application of hazard science for the safety, security, and economic well-being of the nation. The SAFRR team helps build resilience to natural hazards—such as earthquakes, floods, wildfires, landslides, tsunamis, and coastal erosion—by working with decision making and emergency response efforts across the country.

OnTheMap for Emergency Management

This public data tool provides an intuitive web-based interface for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, in real time, for areas being affected by natural disasters. Users can easily retrieve reports containing detailed workforce, population, and housing characteristics for hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.

Flood Inundation Mapper

This tool allows users to explore the full set of inundation maps that shows where flooding would occur given a selected stream condition. Users can also access historical flood information and potential loss estimates based on the severity of the flood.

Emergency Assessment of Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazards

Wildfire can significantly alter the hydrologic response of a watershed to the extent that even modest rainstorms can produce dangerous flash floods and debris flows. The U.S. Geological Survey conducts post-fire debris-flow hazard assessments for select fires in the western U.S. Using geospatial data related to basin morphometry, burn severity, soil properties, and rainfall characteristics, USGS researchers estimate the probability and volume of debris flows that may occur in response to a storm.

Coastal Blue Carbon in Practice

Recent sudies have shown that coastal blue carbon ecosystems are significant carbon sinks, presenting new opportunities for carbon finance to benefit wetland habitat restoration and conservation efforts. Blue carbon intervention refers to the ability of coastal wetland ecosystems—mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses—to sequester and store carbon dioxide. Prior to 2012, coastal wetland project activities were not eligible for carbon offset generation.

Creating Resilient Water Utilities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Creating Resilient Water Utilities Initiative provides water sector utilities with the practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to adapt to climate change by promoting a clear understanding of potential long-term adaptation options. The program website includes resources to help water utilities plan for extreme weather, assess vulnerability, get training, and access other resources.

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