Farmers, ranchers, and land managers can use this suite of digital tools to aid in economic, financial, and environmental decision making.
This website offers a user-friendly interface for a suite of economic, financial, and environmental decision tools designed for businesses that grow, harvest, package, add value, and sell agricultural products. Registered users can manage budgets to track performance—and quickly pinpoint areas for improvement and see where they are performing well. They can manage income, expenses, assets, and liabilities for each business enterprise, importing data from existing accounting systems or manually allocating from their own records. All data is stored securely and privately.
The goal of AgBiz Logic™ is to provide online web-based decision tools to empower farmers, growers, and land use managers to:
- use data unique to their specific farming operations to develop management pathways that best fits their operations under a changing climate;
- understand how decisions about new programs, management options, and technologies/varieties may impact their net returns and livelihoods; and
- better envision which actions farmers can take to build resilience to a changing climate.
Featured Tools
AgBizProfit™: Make more effective short-, medium-, and long-term capital investment decisions by effectively measuring investment’s profitability
AgBizLease™: Establish equitable crop and livestock leases
AgBizFinance™: Account for environmental impacts when analyzing business decisions
AgBizClimate™: A farm-level decision support tool and an assessment tool for researchers and government agencies to realistically determine how climate change and climate change policies may influence and impact regional agricultural sectors. AgBizClimate provides downscaled near-term climate change projections for weather conditions that are particularly relevant to producers of specific agricultural commodities and projects the risk of climate events (such as much earlier cumulative growing degree days or consecutive days of above 90°F temperatures).