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Chucktown Floods: Adapting to Flooding in Charleston

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Local resources to help people monitor and adapt to flooding in the Lowcountry of Charleston County, South Carolina.


The Chucktown Floods site gives municipalities, stakeholders in business and industry, and individual homeowners a way to navigate available resilience tools and data relevant to flooding in the Charleston County area. The site is designed to reduce barriers to accessing data associated with flooding vulnerability and enhance decision making that results in improved resilience to future flooding events in the region.

The mobile-friendly site has two key components: (1) a resilience portal, and (2) a data repository for Charleston County residents, businesses, and municipalities. Users can browse resources, explore conditions on an interactive map, access live updates, or explore flooding through geospatial data layers.

Funding and support for the site have been provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate, Office of Infrastructure Protection, through the National Infrastructure Protection Program Security and Resilience Challenge, which is implemented by the National Institute for Hometown Security (NIHS).

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