Explore climate projections for any county in the contiguous United States or borough in Alaska. Compare maps of past and projected conditions for coming decades. Consult historical records to see when weather has veered outside of normal climate.
The Climate Explorer offers graphs, maps, and downloadable data of observed and projected climate variables for every county in the contiguous United States. The tool offers graphs and maps of climate projections for temperature, precipitation, and related climate variables for two possible futures—one in which humans make a significant attempt to reduce global emissions of heat-trapping gases, and one in which the rate of global emissions continues rising through 2100.
As of January 2020, the Climate Explorer also offers charts showing climate projections for boroughs in Alaska. These charts show results from two global climate models for a high emissions future. As more data for Alaska becomes available, the tool will be upgraded to provide the full suite of historical observations and map tiles for locations in the nation's largest state.
Climate Explorer provides contextualized information for interpreting each of its interactive graphs. Look for the "About the graph" buttons to reveal additional information below the graph. Text explanations in the tool's About page as well as the Glossary and FAQs pages can help people make meaning of the data and envision the conditions projected for the future.