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Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Conservation Planning Atlas

Screenshot from GCP LCC CPA

Regional conservation managers in the Gulf Coast Prairie region can view, retrieve, and perform analyses on spatial information as they consider how to meet specific conservation goals.


The Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform that allows users to discover, access and integrate existing spatial data layers and maps for use in analysis and conservation planning.

Gulf Coast Prairie LCC CPA is more than a data portal or map viewer. Gulf Coast Prairie LCC CPA is a powerful web-mapping and analysis platform that integrates credible data, social networks, and decision-support tools. Gulf Coast Prairie LCC CPA is distinguished by both the high quality of content and the method of organization. The platform is designed to be approachable to casual GIS users (e.g., biologists, resource managers, program coordinators, policy advisors, researchers, interested citizens), as well as a useful publishing platform for power GIS users.

The Gulf Coast Prairie CPA is part of a network of CPAs that other LCCs are using, as part of a commitment across LCCs to use spatial data to inform landscape-scale conservation planning.

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