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Hawai'i Social Network Analysis

Screen capture from a social network analysis map

Consult these social network maps of climate change stakeholders to find collaborators or experts in different fields of study or locations in Hawai'i and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands region.


In 2012, Pacific RISA launched a multi-year social network analysis project to examine communication patterns and how climate information spreads across different sectors and places in the Pacific Islands region. Using the December 2012 release of the Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA) report as a springboard, researchers collected data on the professional and scientific networks of climate change stakeholders. By tracking information flows, key hubs, and isolated groups using network analysis and statistical methods, the researchers are mapping out strengths and gaps in the delivery of climate information, allowing Pacific RISA and other groups to focus research and resources on areas that have been previously ignored.

This website features maps visualizing the networks, from large network maps revealing broad trends of centrality and connectedness to region-specific maps reflecting dense international and interdisciplinary networks. 

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