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Landslide Monitoring

Screen capture from the project website

Managers and planners in some states can access landslide inventory data from this website, part of a pilot project to develop a national landslide inventory database.


Monitoring is essential to predicting the behavior of landslides and forecasting which storms can trigger large numbers of landslides. Scientists in the U.S. Geological Survey's Landslide Hazards Program monitor selected landslides and hillsides in order to learn more about the physical processes that trigger landslides or control their movement. 

Continuous, real-time monitoring occurs at some sites and periodic monitoring occurs at others; the most recent measurements are provided online for a few of the monitoring sites. Graphs showing the most recent data are updated regularly, with update cycles ranging from 15 minutes to 24 hours. Updates may be interrupted occasionally by instrument, computer, or network malfunctions.

Information is currently available for monitoring stations located in California, Colorado, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington.

Landslide monitoring data and information provided on this website are preliminary and have not been reviewed for accuracy; therefore the data are subject to revision.

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