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Northwest Climate Toolbox

Screen capture from the Toolbox

This collection of web tools designed for agriculture, drought, and fire management allows users to visualize the past and projected climate and hydrology of the Pacific Northwest.


This website's tools provide maps and site-specific graphs of climate and hydrology summaries (past and projected future), along with information and access to data source information, for the northwestern United States.

The site features the Climate Mapper Tool, which functions for the contiguous United States and uses a dynamic mapping interface and the best available science from climate projections to provide a straightforward way for farmers and land managers to visualize and understand local climate projections that are useful for different production systems. Users can view a variety of products, with specific emphasis on Projected Future Climate, comparing historical weather from 1971–2000 with a high- and low-emission scenario across three different future time periods up to 2099. This tool also includes various metrics to view Observed Fire Danger and Observed Agriculture/Climate (growing degree days). Included variables let users explore both climate variables and agricultural metrics to provide useful data visualizations to help land managers and advisors explore projected changes to key variables that influence their production systems.

Difficulty Scale
Steps to Resilience