This statewide model code for New York jurisdictions helps them meet their energy and climate goals by voluntarily adopting local building energy codes.
New York jurisdictions can use this model code to accelerate the savings obtained through their local building energy codes. For jurisdictions that adopt it, NYStretch will provide savings of roughly 11 percent over the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (2020 ECCCNYS), when that energy code is released by New York State Department of State.
The NYStretch mode code:
- Is readily adoptable with minimal changes by local governments,
- Is in enforceable language,
- Is coordinated with the New York State Uniform and Energy Codes,
- Is about one cycle ahead of the next New York State Energy Code in its requirements,
- Lowers energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with new and existing buildings, and
- Is cost-effective and regionally appropriate.
A free, online toolkit of resources is available to support communities through the adoption process, including a fact sheet describing NYStretch and its benefits, reports on estimated benefits and costs of meeting the code for the most common new building construction projects, an Adoption Guide with the Department of State filing form and model resolution language, and Frequently Asked Questions with responses. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority provides training opportunities for those interested in learning more about the model code.