Military personnel and their families can access information to help them be prepared for all types of emergencies. Specific Ready programs are available for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Members of our nation's military—whether on active duty, reserves, civilian employees, or family members—play an important role in ensuring the welfare of our homeland. It is also important that they prepare themselves and their families for all types of emergencies to increase a personal sense of security and peace of mind. Each installation has a Readiness and Emergency Management Flight that provides emergency management education materials and briefings to the military and family members. They coordinate and integrate all activities to build, sustain, and improve the installation's ability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
Ready Army is the Army’s proactive campaign to increase the resilience of the Army community and enhance the readiness of the force by informing soldiers, their families, Army civilians, and contractors of relevant hazards and encouraging them to "Be Informed, Make A Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved." Through outreach and education, Ready Army calls the Army community to action and aims to create a culture of preparedness that will save lives and strengthen the nation.
Ready Navy is the Navy's Emergency Preparedness Program and is sponsored by the Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC). Ready Navy is designed for the Navy community to provide information, tools, and resources that empower the Navy family to more aptly prepare for, react, and recover when faced with any emergency, with or without advanced warning. Ready Navy covers an array of hazards individuals may encounter, ranging from hurricanes and earthquakes to terrorist attacks. The material, tips, and recommendations provided by Ready Navy are closely aligned with those offered to the public by Ready.gov and other authoritative government resources, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ready Marine Corps is the Marine Corps emergency preparedness program. While we don’t like to think about disasters, they happen at Marine Corps installations and surrounding communities worldwide. Marines, civilian Marines, and families can be affected or know someone who is affected by natural hazards, like typhoons and wildfires; manmade hazards, like train derailments and chemical spills; disease outbreaks, like Ebola and flu; and terrorism. By staying informed, making a plan, and building a kit, you increase your and your fellow Marines’ chance of survival, limit damage to property, and save time when seconds matter the most.
The Air Force Be Ready website provides emergency preparedness information for airmen and their families. Disasters come in many forms: explosions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and others. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany these disasters. Individuals, families, and communities should know what to do in the event of a fire and where to seek shelter during a tornado. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare makes any crisis more manageable.
Members of the Coast Guard family live Semper Paratus away and at home, ready at a moment’s notice. But any number of hazards has the potential to disrupt thousands of lives or affect Coast Guard families. Ready Coast Guard provides tips and information that can help Coast Guardsmen to better prepare to handle any emergency.