Concerned citizens, elected officials, arborists, and municipal staff can use this toolkit as a guide for developing an urban forest management plan.
This website provides a “how-to” approach to develop an Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP)—a roadmap that creates a shared vision for the future of a tree canopy. A UFMP is a tailored plan that guides tree care professionals to proactively and effectively manage and provide for maximum, long-term benefits to the community. The plan provides recommendations based on the analysis of detailed inventories and includes additional components or documents, such as budgets, implementation schedules, policy and procedure manuals, standards and specifications, public education and monitoring plans, and existing ordinances. Annual work plans and budgets can then be developed based on the long-term UFMP.
This free website provides a “how-to” approach to develop an UFMP, leading users through a planning process that includes the development of a strategic plan for the management of urban trees and green infrastructure. The tool includes downloadable planning documents, examples of UFMPs and other documents, and templates.
Each UFMP is unique and varies by many factors, including desired outcomes of the community. The investment of time varies depending on the scope of the plan, including the size of the area, the complexity of resource issues, and the extent of stakeholder concerns. The process requires stakeholder input and review, as well as staff resources.