This easy-to-use, map-based tool allows users to report tick bites, identify the tick species, and view where other tick bites have occurred.
Reported cases of Lyme disease have become more common and widespread over time, and studies suggest that climate change is one factor in this change. Ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease, are becoming quite abundant in many parts of Vermont. In response, the Vermont Department of Health has created the Vermont Tick Tracker. This interactive resource allows users to report tick bites, identify the tick species, and view where other tick bites have occurred in Vermont. The more reports posted by users, the better the information the tracker can provide.
In addition to providing data about the location and frequency of tick activity in Vermont, the Vermont Department of Health webpage offers more general information about ticks. Resources include fact sheets and guides about tick identification, Lyme disease, and preventing tick bites.