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Alaska Weeds ID Mobile App

Concern about invasive species in Alaska is growing, attracting attention from land managers, politicians, and the public. Nearly half the new discoveries of invasive plants, animals, and insects in the state are reported by concerned individuals with a general interest in invasive species. Tracking reported sightings of invasive plants allows researchers to better assess the extent of the infestations and hopefully eradicate new infestations before they become huge problems.

Alaska Online Aquatic Temperature Site (AKOATS)

This website provides a comprehensive statewide inventory of current and historic continuous monitoring locations for stream and lake temperature in Alaska. The project is one component of the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative's strategy to understand potential climate impacts to freshwater systems across Alaska. The AKOATS project compiled a statewide catalog of monitoring locations using a common set of attributes.


Shorelines are changing due to storms, sea level rise, and subsidence. Some places will inevitably be under water. Many communities are considering their options, including increasing protective measures and redesign, but few are able or willing to thoughtfully consider relocation.

New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup Website

Coastal areas are especially vulnerable to storm surge, flooding, and sea level rise, putting coastal infrastructure, property, and habitats at risk. The New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (NHCAW) is a collaboration of 24 organizations working directly with coastal watershed communities to ensure that they are resourceful, ready, and resilient to the impacts of extreme weather and long-term climate change. NHCAW’s website is designed to improve access to information and assistance so that local decision makers and citizens can be better prepared for future flooding.

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