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Populations at Risk

Populations at Risk (PAR) is a free, quick, and easy-to-use web-based tool to generate reports on demographics within areas of interest. The reports can help decision makers learn which populations are more likely to experience adverse social, health, and economic outcomes due to their race, age, gender, poverty status, and other socioeconomic measures. is an online tool that describes people and housing located in the 100-year (1 percent probability of flooding each year) and 500-year (0.2 percent probability of flooding each year) floodplains in the United States. The tool combines housing stock and population information with FEMA flood insurance rate maps to produce an interactive map and downloadable data tables at the national, state, county, and Census tract levels.

The downloadable data is organized into two types of indicators:

Water Resources Dashboard

From this single site, water resource professionals can access a range of maps and data that help them make decisions about water resources and planning. The dashboard offers tools in four categories:

  • Forecasts and Outlooks
  • Current Observations
  • Historical Observations
  • Potentially Useful Map Layers

A 30-minute recorded webinar is available for many of the tools: each session features a scientist who discusses the product and a practitioner who describes how they use the information.

DOE Building Technologies Office

Energy efficiency is a low-cost way to save money, support job growth, reduce pollution, and improve the competitiveness of our businesses. Our homes, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and stores consume a lot of energy—and money. We spend more than $430 billion each year to power our homes and commercial buildings, consuming more than 70 percent of all electricity used in the United States, about 40 percent of our nation's total energy bill, and contributing to almost 40 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions.

NACo County Explorer

Understanding county statistics—such as health risks, energy use, air pollution, and other factors—is important for planning climate resilience actions. This interactive map allows users to explore a variety of these indicators, featuring the latest data available for 3,069 counties across 19 categories, with over 100 datasets, more than 1000 indicators, and 16 types of county and state profiles. Data is updated monthly.

Keeping Pace: A Short Guide to Navigating Sea-Level Rise Models

When coastal decision makers want to understand how sea level rise might impact their community, they may be overwhelmed by the number of tools and data models available for securing this information. The Keeping Pace guide describes a range of concepts that can help coastal communities undertand these concepts and select an appropriate model for their particular situation.

A Guide to Assessing Green Infrastructure Costs and Benefits for Flood Reduction

This guide provides a process that communities can use to assess the costs and benefits of green infrastructure to reduce flooding. The framework can be adapted for their own purposes to inform planning-scale assessments and spark discussion about green infrastructure options to mitigate flooding and provide other watershed benefits.

AgBiz Logic

This website offers a user-friendly interface for a suite of economic, financial, and environmental decision tools designed for businesses that grow, harvest, package, add value, and sell agricultural products. Registered users can manage budgets to track performance—and quickly pinpoint areas for improvement and see where they are performing well. They can manage income, expenses, assets, and liabilities for each business enterprise, importing data from existing accounting systems or manually allocating from their own records. All data is stored securely and privately.

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