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Virginia Energy Plan

Submitted by yande.thiaw on

Virginia's Governor McAuliffe signed Executive Order 16 establishing the Virginia Energy Council in 2014; the council was formed to provide advice on the development and implementation of the 2014 Virginia Energy Plan. This plan was developed to provide a comprehensive view of where Virginia has been and currently is in terms of its energy assets, and it charts a path forward for energy policy in the commonwealth.

Final Report of the Kentucky Climate Action Plan Council

Submitted by yande.thiaw on

In November 2008, Governor Beshear of Kentucky issued a report that included a strategy to lessen carbon dioxide emissions and to reduce Kentucky’s carbon footprint. In 2010 the Kentucky Climate Action Plan Council (KCAPC) was established to assist in developing the Kentucky Climate Action Plan. The KCAPC was charged with producing a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast, compiling a Climate Action Plan with recommended greenhouse gas reduction goals, and potential actions to assuage climate change and improve energy efficiency in various sectors.

Local Strategies for Addressing Climate Change

Submitted by sarah.gibson on

A collection of case studies and information about how coastal communities can plan for and adapt to climate change. These resources represent a national guide for how coastal communities can plan and adapt. Case study issues range from coastal managers addressing sea level rise in Rhode Island to coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures in Florida.

Reef Resilience Toolkit

The Reef Resilience Toolkit connects coral reef and marine protected area managers and practitioners with information, experts, and resources to innovate, accelerate, and leverage solutions for improved global coral reef health, restoration of reef fisheries, and community-based climate adaptation efforts. Created and updated by global experts in coral reefs, fisheries, and climate change, the Toolkit features:

Report and Final Recommendations to the Governor | Commonwealth of Virginia

Submitted by jordan.beauregard on

This report documents recommendations made by the Virginia Climate Commission and describes how they were  acted upon. Highlights include appointment of a Chief Resilience Officer and development of a protocol for sea level rise projections. The report also makes 113 recommendations to help Virginia adapt to the consequences of climate change, and to reduce Virginia’s contributions to the problem. 

Florida’s Energy & Climate Change Action Plan

Submitted by jordan.beauregard on

This plan contains 50 separate policy recommendations to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The report estimates that if all its recommendations were implemented, the state would meet its emissions reduction targets, enjoy increased energy security, and see a net cost savings of more than $28 billion from 2009 to 2025.

Assessing a Tropical Estuary's Climate Change Risks

San Juan Bay Estuary

San Juan Bay Estuary is on the north shore of the main island of Puerto Rico. In the estuary, fresh water from rivers that run off the land mix with waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The estuary—known across the territory as a recreation destination and a positive factor for economic growth—is home to critical tropical habitats such as mangrove forests, coral communities, and seagrass beds.

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