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PCSWMM is a professional tool providing stand-alone GIS and time series management for all aspects of water management. PCSWMM includes:

  • GIS for water management engineers
  • Time series management and analysis
  • Hdrologic and hydraulic modeling
  • Industry-leading training and support
  • Comprehensive set of decision support tools
  • Integrated 1D-2D modeling

The PCSWMM platform lets water managers explore solutions such as:

Chucktown Floods: Adapting to Flooding in Charleston

The Chucktown Floods site gives municipalities, stakeholders in business and industry, and individual homeowners a way to navigate available resilience tools and data relevant to flooding in the Charleston County area. The site is designed to reduce barriers to accessing data associated with flooding vulnerability and enhance decision making that results in improved resilience to future flooding events in the region.

Southeast Conservation Blueprint

The Southeast Conservation Blueprint is the primary product of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS), a regional conservation initiative that spans the Southeastern United States and Caribbean. The Southeast Blueprint is a living, spatial plan that identifies important areas for conservation and restoration.

Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS) | An IOOS Regional Data Portal

The Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS) works to collect and integrate oceanic and coastal data into viable observations and products. Users can browse through information on several different topics, including water quality, salinity levels, currents, etc. Such data can serve a great number of stakeholders, area managers, decision makers, scientists, and the general public.

USGS Flood Event Viewer

The USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) is the public data discovery component of the Short-Term Network (STN) database. The tool gives users a map interface from which they can examine data collected during flood events such as hurricane landfalls and Nor'easters. Users can also view real-time data from a range of STN monitoring stations.

Oregon Coastal Atlas

This multi-group project is a useful resource for the management constituency of the Oregon Coastal Zone, providing background information for different coastal systems, access to interactive mapping, online geospatial analysis tools, and direct download of various planning and natural resource datasets.

Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool (CREST)

This web tool identifies Resilience Hubs, which are areas of open space where projects may have the greatest potential to benefit both human community resilience and fish and wildlife. Resilience Hubs incorporate multiple indices—including a Community Exposure Index, a Community Asset Index, a Threat Index, and a Fish and Wildlife Index—which can also be explored through CREST.

POWER Project Services Platform

NASA's Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) project was initiated to distribute NASA satellite-based and research data parameters customized for usage by the renewable energy and agricultural communities. The POWER Project Services Platform features numerous methods to obtain data products including a "Data Access Viewer", Web image services, and a direct access through URL commands.  The web-based application currently supports Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsers.


Projected changes in climate have implications for public planning, utilities, city budgets, and public health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the young, elderly, and poor. A group of researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln banded together with the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, to help municipalities across the Midwest plan for such changes. The project is intended to help cities determine where to invest their limited dollars to match future needs of their communities.

The project website hosts municipal climate adaptation reports for:

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