With this downloadable software package, users gain ready access to climate model datasets in commonly used, modern geospatial formats used by GIS software, browser-based mapping tools, and virtual globes.
OpenClimateGIS is a Python package designed for geoprocessing and computation on CF-compliant climate datasets. There is additional project content for OpenClimateGIS hosted on its CoG Site. Source code and issue tracking are hosted on GitHub. Visit the Contact Information page for support and mailing list addresses.
GIS Capabilities:
- Subsetting (e.g., intersects and intersection) of climate datasets by bounding box, Shapely geometries, or shapefiles (point or polygon) (e.g., city centroid, a single county or watershed, state boundaries).
- Time and level range subsetting.
- Single or multi-dataset requests (i.e., concatenation).
- Area-weighted aggregation to selection geometries.
- Alpha support for projected climate datasets.
- Geometry wrapping and unwrapping to maintain logically consistent longitudinal domains.
- Polygon and point geometric abstractions.
Data Conversion:
- Access to local NetCDF data or data hosted remotely on a THREDDS (OPeNDAP protocol) data server. Only the piece of data selected by an area-of-interest is transferred from the remote server.
- Stream climate data to multiple formats. Currently supported formats include keyed CSV-shapefile, shapefile, CSV, GeoJSON, NetCDF, and NumPy.
- Extensible converter framework to add custom formats.
- Automatic generation of request metadata.
- Push data to a familiar format to perform analysis or keep the data as NumPy arrays, perform analysis, and dump to a supported format.
- Extensible computational framework for arbitrary inclusion of NumPy-based calculations.
- Apply computations to entire data arrays or temporal groups.
- Computed data may be streamed to any supported formats.
Difficulty Scale
Tool Function
Steps to Resilience
Tool Webpage