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PCU 1: Know the Infrastructure for Climate Data and Services

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The objective of this training is to enable National Weather Service field staff to identify appropriate sources of climate data, products, and information. This is the first of six Professional Competency Units (PCU) in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series. Note that there is a second component of this PCU that includes an in-person Operational Climate Services Residence Training.
Difficulty Scale

PCU 2: Understand Climate Variability and Change and Apply to Local Services

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The objective of this training is to familiarize National Weather Service field staff with important aspects of climate variability used in climate monitoring and prediction, and climate change in order to support field-level messaging and decision support services. This is the second of six Professional Competency Units (PCU) in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale

PCU 6: Understand Principles for Conducting Timely, Accurate, and Consistent Climate Data Observations and the Broad Range of Their Applications

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The objective of this training is to enable National Weather Service field staff understand the need for accurate, consistent, timely, and quality controlled observational data. They will also learn that the stewardship of this data is important not only for the current users but also for those that will be looking at the archive of the observational record. This will include learning how the observational record fits into the NOAA mission and who the users of the data are. This is the final of six Professional Competency Units (PCU) in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale

PCU 5: Apply Climate Information to Decision Support, Partnership, and Communication

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The purpose of this training module is to enable National Weather Service field staff to integrate knowledge, skills, and abilities obtained in PCUs 1 through 4 and 6 to respond to users in a concise and timely manner. Field staff must also inform partners and citizens on the availability and use of NOAA climate products and services. This is the fifth of six training modules in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale

PCU 4: Use NOAA Climate Products and Tools in Local Climate Services

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The objective of this training module is to enable National Weather Service staff to extend their knowledge of NOAA climate products, tools, and services in order to provide locally-tailored products, services, and studies to local partners, stakeholders, and users. This is the fourth of six training modules in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale

PCU 3: Understanding the Basis and Methodologies of Climate Prediction Center Products

Submitted by ashlyn.shore on
mountainous landscape merges vertically in the center of the image with a deep evergreen forest.
Module Description
The objective of this training is to enable National Weather Service field staff to correctly locate and interpret the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) product suite, including outlooks and monitoring products. They will also need to explain the basis of the CPC forecast techniques and communicate the performance characteristics of the tools and forecasts. This is the third of six training modules in the National Weather Service Climate Services Professional Development Series.
Type of Training
Difficulty Scale

Advanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC)

ADCIRC simulates tidal circulation and storm surge propagation over large computational domains, eliminating the need for imposing approximate open-water boundary conditions that can create inaccuracies in model results, while simultaneously providing high resolution in areas of complex shoreline and bathymetry where it is needed to maximize simulation accuracy.

Targeted areas for ADCIRC application include continental shelves, nearshore coastal areas, inlets and estuaries.

Typical ADCIRC applications include the following:

MIKE—21 Spectral Waves

Coastal and offshore resilience projects require integration of wave action into the process. MIKE—21 Spectral Waves tool can be used to:

  • Calculate wind-waves in all seas, easily and accurately
  • Efficiently transform offshore wave fields to coastal areas
  • Create reliable and fit-for-purpose wave data
  • Seamlessly integrate MIKE 21 SW with other MIKE models
  • Perform quality work at rapid pace

Access to this software is by subscription for single users, small businesses, large corporations, or universities.


PCSWMM is a professional tool providing stand-alone GIS and time series management for all aspects of water management. PCSWMM includes:

  • GIS for water management engineers
  • Time series management and analysis
  • Hdrologic and hydraulic modeling
  • Industry-leading training and support
  • Comprehensive set of decision support tools
  • Integrated 1D-2D modeling

The PCSWMM platform lets water managers explore solutions such as:

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