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Understand Exposure

Drought Risk Atlas

Each station, displayed in a map viewer, provides a long, continuous record of weather data. Indices include pre-generated heat maps, time series, tabular analyses, and more for the Standardized Precipitation Index, the Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index, the Palmer Drought Severity Index, the self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index, the Standardized Streamflow Index, and more. 


This website has archived the location and height of more than 700 tropical surge events around the world since 1880 and identified more than 8,000 unique high water marks from tropical surges along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.

These data were mostly built from scientific sources, including government reports, historic maps, academic papers, and books, but anecdotal sources—such as thousands of pages of newspapers—provide data for smaller-magnitude storm surges in the earlier part of the record.

Community Health and Resource Management (CHARM)

CHARM is a mapping application that gives local officials, stakeholders, and citizens the power to map and analyze growth with real-time feedback. When used with the weTable—a low cost, do-it-yourself, interactive tabletop approach for public engagement (instructions provided on the CHARM website)—it forms a powerful planning tool for engaging the public and gathering their values about the community’s future. The application is supported with a library of mapping data, including data on urbanization, storm surges, conservation, public facilities, and coastal resources.

Vibrant Cities Lab

Over 130 million acres of America’s forests are located in our cities and towns. These urban forests include parks, street trees, landscaped boulevards, gardens, river and coastal promenades, nature preserves, shelter belts of trees, and working trees at former industrial sites. Urban forests boost public health, safety, sustainability, and economic growth.

Carolinas Precipitation Patterns & Probabilities Atlas (c3p)

This online resource provides Carolinas-focused information about extremes (drought, heavy rainfall) and normal precipitation patterns. The atlas includes over 1,000 downloadable maps and figures characterizing various measures of precipitation and drought. It offers information not readily available from other sources, such as frequency and duration of both dry and wet events and photographs, videos, graphics, and narratives focused on the impacts of notable drought and heavy precipitation events in the Carolinas. 

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